Netflix Full Clone With Dynamic Data

3 min readOct 20, 2022


This post is regarding a project that I build along with the other 4 members of the team. So without wasting time let's get to the point.

Technologies which we used →

API → TheMoveiDB & Youtube

Time Duration -> 5–7 Days

Features and Pages->

Landing Pages
Real-Time Sign in Sign up
Choose Your Plan
Payment Section
Add or Manage Profile(Who’s Watching)
HomePage After login (Different than Netflix)
Trending Page
Movie Page
TV Show
My Liked and WishList Page
Language and Genre Section With Filter
Search Movie Functionality
Search via Movie
Movie Details Page With Cast Crew and Suggested Movie
Every Data is Dynamic and Real-Time in nature using API
Every Movie is playable using Youtube API

Note -> We have not used any kind of Static Data means if you visit this page after 2 years you still see the latest data of that time. Isn't it Awesome😍

More Features Coming in the Future ->😉

Earlier I have to build a project on Pharmeasy Website. Which is an online medicine delivery website. The link to that post is below.

I take care of the mistakes and things that I learn from my previous project and implemented them in this project accordingly.

Below are the Reposbisility which are divided among the team members.

Aditi Kashyap → Landing Page
Ashish Saini -> Offer & Payement Pages
Himanshu Mahato -> Sign in & Sign up pages
Shruti -> Profile Page, Search Function, Trending Page
Dheeraj Bhandari -> HomePage, Movies, TV Shows, Genera, WishList, Movie Details Page.

Below is the ScreenShot of Our project-

landing Page
Log in Sign Up Page
Plan Page
Home page
Trending Page
language and Genera Page

Some of the features and Pages are Note available on Netlfix we Build them Independtely like Search Function and Filter By Genera or Language Page is not available on Netflix Originally. We combined Multiple OTT platforms together to build this Awsm project.

Below are links to refer to the code and the website. If you have any questions regarding this project just say hello on my Linkedin profile Mentioned below.😎

Project Link →

Deployment link →

My Linkedin →

Keep Coding Keep Learning ❤😉




A Developer, Writer, and Certified Digital Marketing Expert