PharmEsay Clone — A team Project

Few Things I want to confirm to the reader of this post,

5 min readSep 11, 2022

This Project is a part of Construct Week Aka Assignment which was organized by Masai School. If you don't know about Masai school You can simply Google it. because this post is totally based on the project, the Tech stack we have used, the team, along with the challenges i faced during working on this project.

Tech Stack we are allowed to use only — Html, CSS, JavaScript, and Local Storage.

Time Duration — 5 Days.

We are a team of a total of 4 members Excluding me. First Thing which we decided as a team is that we need one person who will be responsible for making sure that the project will end successfully before the deadline. and the one who acts as a team leader in order to make the process of making this project smoother.

So I have taken this responsibility with the mutual acceptance of our team.

The first thing which I decided is to divide the work according to the skill of each team member. So that each one of us can able to focus on our part of work.

Below are the Reposbisility which are divided among the team members.

Md Furkan → Filter AKA Product section Page (Html, CSS, JS).

Saif →Coupon Page (Html, CSS, JS). Order page(Html, CSS, JS).

Dheeraj(me) → Landing Page, Product page, Cart page, Payment Page (HTML, CSS, JS) & Order page (JS).

Samrat → Product Category Page (Html, CSS, JS);

Abhishek → Media Query.

Features → All data is Obj based;

  • Login / Register By Default password 1234, Name Team Titan
  • Coupon Page with Filter
  • Filter By Category
  • Add to cart
  • Increase / Decrease Qty in Cart
  • Delete Product From the cart
  • Checkout Product/ Only When User Login Otherwise it asks to log in First
  • Apply Coupon At Checkout Page
  • Pay By Different Method UPI, Paytm, Amazon Pay, Wallet, CC/Debit.
  • The purchase will show in the My Order Section;

Note — All the data purchase, add to cart, etc data is stored using Local Storage only.

Challenges we have faced as a team →

Initially, we are not sure how to start this project and how to be organized the project. Our 15–16 hours are wasted thinking about this. Finally, after some Zoom Calls, we are able to decide Mutually on the Roadmap of our project.

We know about the seriousness of the time constrain we have for this project. So we decided if someone is facing any kind of issue while working on the project. The First Thing the team member should do is Google the issue before reaching out to another team member. Through this, we save out lot of time and are able to deliver the project on the given time.

Challenges which i faced individually →

During this project i have gone thorugh lot of challenges with regards to the javascript bugs and how to manipulate the local storage So that it will work for all the pages.

As i have taken responsibility for most of the parts of our website. I want to make every single function which is originally present in the website. and also necessary to place an order successfully just using JS and LC. I kept every little detail whether it is showing the order time. Adding Toaster which makes the user experience better or Adding coupons functionally. I have to learn a lot of things in such a short span of time. Which is challenging for me. But I did it by using a proper plan of action and working 13–14 hr in a day.

Things which I have learned During this project →

→Allocate work according to the Skill of Team members.

→If you are stuck on something don't spend too much time resolving issues by yourself take help from Online resources.

→Identate your code properly so that other team members are also able to understand your code and Vice versa.

→ Allocate a particular time for a particular function. Don’t change switch between other things very frequently.

→ Keep the work organized as much as possible and also keep the team motivated throughout the duration.

Below is the ScreenShot of Our project-

Landing Page
Category Page
Coupon page
Filter page
Product Page
cart page
Payemnt Page
Order Details Page

Below are links to refer to the code and the website. If you have any questions regarding this project you can say hello on my Linkedin profile Mentioned below.

Project Link →

Deployment link →

My Linkedin →

Keep Coding Keep Learning ❤😉




A Developer, Writer, and Certified Digital Marketing Expert